• Which countries sell sunflower oil?
  • Refined sunflower oil to South Africa (US$ 1,589,200), Egypt (US$ 162,730), Ukraine (US$ 60,470), Kenya (US$23,590) and the United Arab Emirates (US$ 18,130). Margarine to Kenya (US$2,660,970), South Africa (US$ 453,750) Indonesia (US$117,420), Zimbabwe (US$ 76,190) and the United Arab Emirates (US$4420).
  • Does Malawi have higher import tariffs than South Africa?
  • Import tariffs generally low but Malawi has higher tariffs on specific value-added segments in sunflower, soybean and groundnuts from South Africa. Standards and quality: Speedening the process of testing and certification. A need for mutual recognition initiatives with SADC and COMESA?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities for the groundnut & sunflower sector?
  • Challenges and opportunities for the groundnut, sunflower and soybean sectors in the context of regional trade integration initaitives-SADC, COMESA, AFCFTA. Capitalising on preferential trade agreements with developed country (US, EU) as well as emerging economy (China, India) markets. Or is it still too early? Tailoring niches.
  • What factors affect the price of sunflowers?
  • Price instability (notable for sunflower) due to competition from other buyers. Food-Security: Continued investments in productivity, pest-protection measures, role of innovative approaches and community-centred models. Consumption vs cash-crops. Price predictability and access to markets.