• What is deodorization process?
  • 2. Deodorization principle Deodorization is actually a stripping process in which a given amount of a stripping agent (usually steam) is passed for a given period of time through hot oil at a low pressure. Hence, it is mainly a physical process in which various volatile components are removed.
  • What is deodorization in edible oil refining?
  • In current edible oil refining, deodorization is also the process in which free (nonesterifed) fatty acids (in the case of physical refining) and volatile contaminants are stripped and unwanted color pigments are degraded (heat bleaching).
  • Why is deodorization time important?
  • Longer deodorization time is required to convert non-volatile flavor precursors into volatile off-flavors that can be stripped from the oil. In practice, this means that time is an important process parameter in obtaining a refined oil with a bland and stable taste.
  • What are the trends and developments in edible oil deodorization?
  • Trends and developments in edible oil deodorization. Fixed costs are primarily reduced by installing higher-capacity (continuous) deodorizers. Today, deodorizers with a capacity of more than 1500 tonnes per day have become more or less standard, especially for the deodorization of commodity oils (e.g. palm oil, soybean oil, etc.).
  • What is perfect deodorization?
  • Perfect deodorization is a complex process which includes the removal of volatile off-flavors already present in the bleached oil as well as the off-flavors that are formed during thermal degradation of higher molecular weight flavor precursors. Removal of the first group is similar to FFA stripping and can be achieved in a short time.
  • What happens if the deodorization time is too short?
  • If the deodorization time is too short, some flavor precursors will stay in the deodorized oil, resulting in the development of off-flavors during storage or usage. This phenomenon, which is known as ¡®flavor reversion¡¯, is well known but at the same time still poorly understood.