About RIMCO. RIMCO (Resources Improvement and Manufacturing Company Limited) was incorporated in 1985. The Company started oil refining in 1988 in its 50mt capacity refinery. In 1990, it did a backward integration and started the 100mt per day palm kernel crushing mill to produce the crude palm kernel oil for the refinery.
" alt="" video_w="600">Abstract. Palm oil, which is extracted from the fleshy mesocarp of the palm fruit, has been a vital resource in the majority of Nigerians diet. The global need for palm oil is fast increasing
" alt="" video_w="600">About RIMCO. RIMCO (Resources Improvement and Manufacturing Company Limited) was incorporated in 1985. The Company started oil refining in 1988 in its 50mt capacity refinery. In 1990, it did a backward integration and started the 100mt per day palm kernel crushing mill to produce the crude palm kernel oil for the refinery.
" video_w="100">Abstract. Palm oil, which is extracted from the fleshy mesocarp of the palm fruit, has been a vital resource in the majority of Nigerians diet. The global need for palm oil is fast increasing
" video_w="100">