• Which countries produce the most cottonseed oil?
  • As shown in Table 20.9, as of 2020, countries with the largest share in production of cottonseed oil are China (27%) and India (27%), followed by the US (5%), Turkey (4%), and the EU (1%). Although cottonseed oilseed production increased in 2017/2018, production has been around 44 mmt in recent years.
  • What is the difference between cotton oil and cottonseed oil?
  • Cotton (Gossypium sp.) is a commercially important annual fiber crop; cottonseed oil (CSO) is an important product extracted from one of the byproducts of cottonseeds. Oil yield varies with cotton species, places, and season when cotton grown and extraction methods used for oil extraction.
  • How much crude oil was produced from canola seeds in 2022?
  • Canola seeds crushed for crude oil was 130,398 tons in February 2022, compared with 136,632 tons in January 2022 and 162,675 tons in February 2021. Canola crude oil produced was 101 million pounds, down 11 percent from January 2022 and down 26 percent from February 2021.
  • Does cottonseed oil protect against intestinal inflammation in dextran sodium sulfate-induced inflammatory bowel disease?
  • Park JS, Choi J, Hwang SH, Kim JK, Kim EK, Lee SY, Lee BI, Park SH, Cho ML (2019) Cottonseed oil protects against intestinal inflammation in dextran sodium sulfate-induced inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Which country produces the most soybean oil?
  • However, China makes the biggest economic contribution to soybean oil production (Table 20.6). In the first 6 months of 2020, China , which produces 16.755 tmt, is followed by the US, Brazil, Argentina, EU, India, and Mexico. Also, according to the latest data, soybean oil production has increased in all countries except EU (USDA 2020a).
  • How do I download the oil crop yearbook tables CSV file?
  • The .csv files contain all data points in the Oil Crop Yearbook Tables, with one data point per row. To download the .csv version, click on the far right icon on each Oil Crop Yearbook Table. Note: On August 23, 2024 the OilCropsAllTables.csv file on the web page was republished to correct for missing rows.