• How much palm oil is produced in Thailand?
  • The total annual Crude Palm Oil extraction (CPO) was 2.96 million tons (+11.8%), up from 2.65 million tons in 2020. As of 2021, Thailand accounted for 3.8% of the global total Palm Oil production. There are approximately 390,000 Palm Oil farm households across the country. Large farmers tend to invest in their own Crude Palm Oil mills.
  • Can palm oil production improve environmental performance in Thailand?
  • Comprehensive information on the overall environmental impact of palm oil production in Thailand is lacking. Likewise, it is not clear what possibilities exist to improve the environmental performance in the future. Such information is essential for policy makers as well as palm oil producers for future planning.
  • What model is used for palm oil production in Thailand?
  • Our analysis is based on two models that we recently developed; a sectoral and a landscape model for palm oil production in Thailand (we refer to crude-palm oil (CPO)) (Saswattecha et al., 2016a, Saswattecha et al., 2016b ).
  • How has global oil palm production changed over the last two decades?
  • Driven by food and industrial demand, the production of global oil palm has more than doubled over the last two decades. Between 1997 and 2018, oil palm plantations expanded from 10 to 21 Million hectares (Mha), while crude palm oil production increased from 100 to 300 million tons (Mt) 1.
  • How has Thailand’s palm oil industry changed over the years?
  • Key findings from this comprehensive study are as follows: Industry Growth Trajectory: Thailand¡¯s palm oil production has demonstrated consistent growth, with an annual increase of 5.64%, from 1.893 million tonnes to 2.960 million tonnes, since 2012.
  • Can Thailand expand oil palm area without land-use planning?
  • Expanding oil palm area without land-use planning, and mainly replacing cropland. This scenario assumes that current environmental management of palm oil production in Thailand remains unchanged until 2050, and that no new environmental policies are implemented. There is a moderate growth in the oil palm production area