• Is Myanmar’s edible oil market segmented?
  • Myanmar¡¯s market for edible oil has become segmented. Retail prices for groundnut oil and palm oil have diverged to such an extent that locally sourced products cater to a relatively small group of better-off consumers who can afford domestically produced oil, and a large group of lower income consumers who cannot
  • Which oil refinery in Myanmar produces palm oil?
  • They are Yuzana oil refinery which refines 300 MT/day, South Dagon oil refinery which refines 200 MT/day and Wilmar Myanmar Edible Oils Limited oil refinery in Thilawa port terminal which refines 460 MT/day. At present, crude palm oil can only be produced and palm oil refining production plants need to be developed.
  • Which edible oil is the most popular in Myanmar?
  • Among the imported edible oils, palm oil accounts for the largest share in the edible oil market in Myanmar. Other types of oils are also imported but plays a minor role. Cheaper palm oil is imported from neighboring countries, mainly from Malaysia (Thaung, 2011).
  • How many edible oil refineries in Yangon?
  • There are three edible oil refineries in Yangon. They are Yuzana oil refinery which refines 300 MT/day, South Dagon oil refinery which refines 200 MT/day and Wilmar Myanmar Edible Oils Limited oil refinery in Thilawa port terminal which refines 460 MT/day.
  • How to find a qualified edible oil market in Myanmar?
  • To meet the increasing demand of qualified edible oil, it is necessary to conduct market research based on types, brands, prices and consumer preferences. All types of markets such as urban wet market, village wet market and shopping centers can be easily found within Nay Pyi Taw, the focal market area of the Myanmar.
  • How has the production and importation of edible oils changed in Myanmar?
  • It can be clearly seen in Figure 1 that the production and importation of edible oils had almost doubled from 2000 to 2011 and also the consumption had gradually increased during the period. Among the imported edible oils, palm oil accounts for the largest share in the edible oil market in Myanmar.