• What is a Scheffler reflector used for?
  • Like any other concentrating collector, a Scheffler reflector can also be employed for a wide range of applications such as baking ovens, cooking food, sterilizing, distillation, processing of plants for oil, cremation of dead people etc. Scheffler et al. (2006b) built a reflector of 50?m 2 area (A) for cremation of dead people.
  • Do Scheffler reflectors need a design methodology?
  • A comprehensive design methodology is, in fact, required for manufacturing the Scheffler reflectors at large-scale. The present work is an effort in that direction. This paper presents a simple, systematic and well-defined design methodology for Scheffler reflector.
  • When was the first Scheffler reflector built?
  • The first well functioning Scheffler©Reflector was built by Mr. Wolfgan Scheffler in 1986. It is situated at a mission©station in North©Kenya and is still in use. The size of first Scheffler©Reflector was 1.1m x 1.5m.By early 2008, over 2000 larger cooker of his design had been built distributed worldwide.
  • Why do manufacturers need design charts for Scheffler reflectors?
  • Manufacturers would require design charts for quick estimation of various design parameters like section plane angle, concentration ratio and dimensions of crossbars for the Scheffler reflectors. The input parameters required for the development of design charts are aperture area and focal length, which are dependent on customers¡¯ need.
  • How much solar power does a Scheffler reflector generate?
  • In between the beam radiation range of 750 to 900 W/m2, Scheffler reflector showed that about half of the solar power collected by the reflector becomes finally available in the cooking vessel. VII.
  • What is a Scheffler concentrator?
  • F. Rapp and Schwartz constructed and successfully tested a 2 meter sq. parabolic dish solar concentrator (Scheffler Concentrator) to focus sunlight onto a stationary target. They described some ideas about the intricate design of the Scheffler reflectors and how they are developed.