• What is edible oil refining?
  • Edible oil refining is a set of processes or treatments necessary to turn vegetable raw oil into edible oil .
  • Does Mongolia produce vegetable oil?
  • Mongolia has two factories that produce vegetable oil. One of them, factor of Mindtech LLC, is capable of extracting 100 tons of raw vegetable oil per day or 30 thousand tons per year and the other factory of Mongol Altan Tos LLC has a daily capacity of 100 tons of refined vegetable oil or a yearly capacity of 30 thousand tons.
  • What is edible oil of marine origin (FAO)?
  • According to Uni- to meet the demand. Palm, olive, soybean, sun?o wer, contribute to edible oil of marine origin (FAO). The losing n-3 PUFA and other valuable components. odour less, neutral and bland tasting oil. 2009, 2010). As it is mandatory to know the composi- ?sh and vegetable oils.