• Which oilfields in Cameroon are in production phase?
  • All five oilfields are in their production phase. Perenco is the biggest oil operator in Cameroon with an average production of 51 000 barrels per day. Before 2010, the biggest operator was Total E&P Cameroun who use to have more than 50% market share.
  • Who is the biggest oil operator in Cameroon?
  • Perenco is the biggest oil operator in Cameroon with an average production of 51 000 barrels per day. Before 2010, the biggest operator was Total E&P Cameroun who use to have more than 50% market share. However, in 2010, Total Group sold its shares (75.8%) in Total E&P Cameroun (Total, 2010) to Perenco.
  • Will Cameroon build another refinery?
  • Cameroon is planning to build another oil refinery due to the May 31, 2019 fire outbreak at SONARA, the only refinery in the country. This move aims to create a duopoly in the hydrocarbon sector.
  • How does Cameroon supply oil & gas products?
  • The supply and distribution chain of oil and gas products usually goes through refining, storage, transportation and distribution. In Cameroon, the supply of refined oil products is carried out using two methods, local production or direct import.
  • What is oilfield service in Cameroon?
  • Oilfield service (OFS) is the sector involved in the manufacturing, repairing and maintaining equipment used in the process of extracting oil from the hydrocarbon well. They work together with companies in the upstream sector. In Cameroon, the main key players in this sector are Schlumberger and Halliburton. 2.
  • When did oil & gas production start in Cameroon?
  • During the same period when commercial discoveries were made, explorations began in Douala/Kribi Campo basin and production later began in 1997. Oil and gas production in Cameroon take place in various blocks located within the two sedimentary basins listed above (see picture below).