• What percentage of Colombia is suited for oil palm cultivation?
  • The study showed that the ZIDRES correspond 75.5 percent with areas of the country deemed apt for oil palm cultivation. Fedepalma told Mongabay it worked alongside the agro-industrial association Agricultural Society of Colombia (SAC) to ¡°analyze the legislative proposals¡± presented by ZIDRES.
  • Does Colombia produce palm oil?
  • Following the economic liberalization of Colombia¡¯s economy in the 1990s and then the 2002 election of former President Alvaro Uribe, the palm oil industry began a trajectory of rapid growth over the next 16 years. Today, Colombia produces more palm oil than any other country in Latin America and is considered the fourth-largest producer worldwide.
  • When did oil palm plantation start in Colombia?
  • Commercial oil palm cultivation in Colombia began in 1945 when a U.S.-based company established a plantation in the banana zone of the Magdalena department.
  • Why is palm oil important in Colombia?
  • Palm oil, together with ethanol, also forms the backbone to Colombia¡¯s biodiesel industry, which by law must account for 10 percent of automobile fuel sold nationwide. Commercial oil palm cultivation in Colombia began in 1945 when the U.S.-based United Fruit Company established a plantation in the banana zone of the Magdalena department.
  • How much oil does oil palm produce a year?
  • Oil palm crops globally produce an annual 81 million tonnes (Mt) of oil from about 19 million hectares (Mha). In contrast, the second and third largest vegetable oil crops, soybean and rapeseed, yield a combined 84 Mt oil but occupy over 163 Mha of increasingly scarce arable land. The oil palm crop system faces many challenges in the 2020s.
  • How many hectares are suitable for oil palm cultivation?
  • At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture¡¯s Rural Land Planning Department (UPRA) and Fedepalma released a report in 2017 that studied the country¡¯s soils, signaling that 16 million hectares ¡ª 14 percent of the country¡¯s total land area ¡ª are suitable for oil palm cultivation.