• Which country produces the most sunflower oil in the world?
  • The following are notable findings from the data: With a production volume of 4.4 million tons, Ukraine tops the chart as the world’s leading sunflower oil producer, followed closely by Russia at 4.1 million tons. These two countries together account for a vast proportion of the global sunflower oil output.
  • Is sunflower oil production geographically concentrated?
  • A closer look at global production statistics reveals that sunflower oil production is geographically concentrated, with few countries contributing to the lion’s share of the overall output. Recent data on global sunflower oil production shows fascinating insights about the diversity and concentration of production.
  • How did sunflower maintain its competitiveness on Oilseeds markets?
  • Sunflower succeeded in maintaining its competitiveness on oilseeds markets in the previous decades, through continuous innovation in genetics, production and markets and a growing segmentation.
  • Where does sunflower meal come from?
  • The European Union (EU©27) is ranked 3rd major producer 4.8 million tonnes of sunflower meal (Rahoveanu, Rahoveanu, & Ion, 2018). After the oil extraction from the sunflower seeds, the resulting by©product (sunflower meal) is usually air©dried to remove the trace of moisture content before storage.
  • How are sunflower seeds extracted?
  • The seeds are confined within an achene consisting of a shell composed of lignin and cellulolytic materials covering the kernel, which accounts for 80% of its total weight. Raw sunflower seeds usually contain about 25% oil, but through plant breeding, it has increased to 40%. The seed oil can be extracted by cold extraction and hot©pressing.
  • How do you grow sunflower seeds?
  • The growth of sunflower requires fertile soil, moderate rainfall, viable seeds, etc. Among the three leading oilseed crops, that is, soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower in the world today, sunflower has been recognized as a major source of high©quality edible oil importantly used for culinary purposes (Pal, Patra, Sahoo, Bakhara, & Panda, 2015).