• What is a palm kernel oil expeller machine?
  • A high torque and low rotational speed palm kernel oil expeller machine was developed by introducing an adjustable choke mechanism that permits adjustment of the back pressure to regulate the thickness and dryness of the pressed cake passing through the clearance between the barrel and the screw shaft.
  • What is a batch palm kernel digester & pressing machine?
  • The design of a batch palm kernel Digester and pressing machine have significantly improve ease of extracting oil from palm kernel fruits, thereby putting more money in the hands of the peasant locals and drastically reduce intensive labour and it is an advancement over the traditional method. Content may be subject to copyright.
  • How does a palm kernel machine work?
  • The machine design enables cold palm kernel seeds to be processed without pre-treatment, the breaking and cooking operation being performed by the action of the screw shaft within the barrel of the unit. The machine has a nominal input capacity of approximately 280kg/hr when driven by a 10hp Electric motor.
  • Why do we need a palm kernel digester?
  • This has made it necessary to design and fabricate an easy to use palm kernel digester that is powered by a gasoline engine to remove drudgery in oil palm processing. This makes this design suitable in rural area where electricity is scarcely available and in urban areas where power supply is erratic.
  • What is a palm oil screw press?
  • A palm oil screw press was designed, fabricated and evaluated for small and medium scale palm fruit processors in order to mechanize the extraction process and increase production output. The major¡­ Modeling of Oil Expression from Palm Kernel (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
  • Can centrifugal force improve oil quality in palm oil milling?
  • This innovation promises to increase oil yields and improve oil quality in palm oil milling. The separation of mesocarp fiber and nuts using centrifugal force is a feasible method.