• Will a new biorefinery repurpose bunker fuel oil terminals in Panama?
  • The Panama project has already secured a contract to procure feedstocks, said Randy Letang, chief executive of SGP BioEnergy, though he did not discuss further details. The new biorefinery will repurpose existing bunker fuel oil terminals on both the Atlantic and Pacific sides of the country in Colon and Balboa, respectively, Letang said.
  • Will SGP bioenergy develop a biorefinery?
  • REUTERS/Carlos Jasso Acquire Licensing Rights NEW YORK, May 18 (Reuters) – The government of Panama and energy companies, including SGP BioEnergy, plan to develop a major, advanced biorefinery to increase supply of lower-carbon aviation fuel, the companies said Wednesday.
  • What is the Panama biorefinery project?
  • The project will aim to use Panama’s existing export infrastructure to supply SAF and renewable marine diesel globally. About half of the biorefinery’s capacity will be used to produce SAF. Panama is not a producer of crude or natural gas, but serves as an energy transit point through both the Panama Canal and the Trans-Panama Pipeline.
  • Will a biorefinery be used to produce SAF?
  • About half of the biorefinery’s capacity will be used to produce SAF. Panama is not a producer of crude or natural gas, but serves as an energy transit point through both the Panama Canal and the Trans-Panama Pipeline. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.