• Why are sunflower seeds important in South Africa?
  • Sunflower seeds are also an important food source in South Africa ¨C the seeds are pressed and crushed for their oil, which is primarily used as cooking oil in many local households. The extraction process of oil from seed results in sunflower meal, or sunflower oilcake, which is a valuable by-product in the feed industry.
  • What is sunflower oilcake?
  • The extraction process of oil from seed results in sunflower meal, or sunflower oilcake, which is a valuable by-product in the feed industry. It is a powerful and excellent protein source used in the formulation of livestock feed. It is with pride that CEOCO is a member of the following institutions:
  • Where do sunflower seeds grow?
  • Sunflower seeds grow from the flowers in the centre of the head of the sunflower and are actually the means of sunflower reproduction, as each sunflower seed can be planted to gcolumns into a new sunflower the following growing season. Each sunflower head can contain as many as 1000 to 2000 seeds.
  • What is sunflower seed production & why is it important?
  • At farm level, sunflower seed production plays an important role as an ideal crop within the grain farmer crop production and crop rotation system, especially in the warmer and drier areas of the Free State, North West and Limpopo.