• Does water content affect rapeseed oil yield?
  • For the rapeseed, a decrease in oil yield with higher water content was observed in continuous pressing (Grosleron 2009; Vadke and Sosulski 1988), while in discontinuous process (in the same range of water content), the oil yield increases (Koo 1942; Lanoisell¨¦ 1995).
  • What is industrial pressing of oilseeds?
  • Industrial pressing of oilseeds is realized using continuous screw presses. The presses are fed with crude or pre-treated seeds. Types of pre-treatments (thermal pre-treatment, size reduction, mechanical sieving, etc.) differ for various seed species (Carr 1997). Each type of seed pre-treatment provides its own advantages.
  • Which oleic acid content is higher crambe seed oil by cold press extraction?
  • The oleic acid contents of the cold pressed oils were higher than the oils extracted by Soxhlet method. Acco r ding to the results of the a n alysis, the and heat treatment. In addition t o different extraction methods, the parameters affecting the . content over the crambe seed oil by cold press extraction. Crambe is a plant species that is
  • Does high-pressure pretreatment increase soybean oil yield?
  • proteins facilitate hydrolysis with proteolytic enzymes. This has lead to studies that use the high-pressure method as a pretreatment . increased soybean oil y ield by up to 3%.
  • What is the difference between conventional oil extraction and mechanical pressing?
  • The traditional methods of oil extraction are exhaustive and have low efficacy, while conventional method of mechanical pressing is simple and involves low cost but considered as an inefficient method because of low oil recovery when compared with chemical extraction methods.
  • What are the parameters of cold press extraction process?
  • Cold press extraction process parameters were flow rate (c onstant) and rotational rate 40 rpm. Se eds moistu r e an d oil contents w er e determined. Also, to tal oil contents dete rmined by th e so lvent extraction m ethod. Obtained oils fatty acids analyzed w ith two commercial oils of Iran (COI) and Turkey (COT).