• Will oil palm production increase in the Congo Basin?
  • Land area allocated to oil palm increased by 40% in the Congo Basin and five additional top-producing countries in Africa between 1990 and 2017. Without intervention, future production increases in the region will likely come from expansion rather than intensification due to low crop and processing yields, possibly at the expense of forest.
  • Where is the largest palm plantation in Congo?
  • Located about 120 km from Mbandaka, Boteka contains about 3.700 hectares of planted oil palms. Founded in the 1920s, Lokutu is PHC’s largest plantation. Located about 250 km from Kisangani, Lokutu contains about 9.700 hectares of planted oil palms. PHC is the largest palm oil producer in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Can palm oil mills reduce deforestation in the Congo Basin?
  • Sustainability strategies initiated by companies and aimed at certifying palm oil mills are unlikely to be effective at curbing deforestation in the Congo Basin. Smallholder farmers are an engine of growth in the regions palm oil sector, and recent evidence suggests they are actively clearing forest to expand.
  • Which country produces the most palm oil?
  • Plantations et Huileries du Congo – PHC is the largest producer of palm oil in the Democratic Republic of Congo. of the Congo. All PHC production is sold locally for Congolese consumption. Founded in the 1930s, Yaligimba is PHC’s youngest plantation. Located about 60km from Bumba, Yaligimba contains about 8.000 hectares of planted oil palms.
  • Why are smallholders disadvantaged in palm oil production?
  • Because of the proliferation of non-industrial processing facilities (artisanal mills), a substantial fraction of the palm oil produced by smallholders never passes through a company’s jurisdiction. Smallholders are also disadvantaged by power imbalances and limited access to technical and financial resources.
  • Are smallholder farmers clearing forest to grow palm oil?
  • Smallholder farmers are an engine of growth in the regions palm oil sector, and recent evidence suggests they are actively clearing forest to expand. Because of the proliferation of non-industrial processing facilities (artisanal mills), a substantial fraction of the palm oil produced by smallholders never passes through a company’s jurisdiction.