• How much does a palm oil refinery machine cost?
  • Actually, the exact cost of a palm oil refinery machine would vary from the different requirements and specific situations. Usually, the equipment cost for setting up a palm oil refinery plant ranges from $ 60,000.00 to $ 300,000.00. This is just for reference.
  • What is the approach to sustainable oil palm production in Cameroon?
  • The approach is based on field surveys carried out in various production basins, particularly in the South-West, Littoral and Central regions. They also take into account the resolutions of various workshops bringing together stakeholders on the matter of sustainability in the oil palm sector in Cameroon.
  • What percentage of palm oil is produced by smallholders in Cameroon?
  • Indeed, the proportion of palm oil produced by smallholders has steadily increased in Cameroon from 10 to 26% today. In Indonesia and Malaysia, smallholders account for roughly 40% of the total area of planted oil palm and as much as 33% of the output, due to lower yields, on average.
  • Is Cameroon experiencing a new surge in electricity prices?
  • As of January 1, 2024, Cameroon has witnessed a new surge in electricity prices, primarily impacting medium-voltage customers, labeled as “industrial… Raffinerie Pacific is the new palm oil refinery recently opened in Cameroon with an initial capital of 100 million FCFA.